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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for kampyng/Amatiqa AS

About the Privacy Policy The services provided by kampyng ("Service Provider") through kampyng.com are built on trust. It is important to us that our users feel secure when using our service, and therefore we place great emphasis on protecting your privacy. This privacy policy explains how we collect and use information about our users, and how we safeguard users' privacy. If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy or the handling of personal information, we encourage you to contact us via email at hello@kampyng.com. Brief Overview of Personal Data Processing We respect your right to privacy, and all processing of your personal data is carried out in accordance with Norwegian data protection legislation. For convenience, we have prepared the following summary, but we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this privacy policy in its entirety to understand how we collect and use your personal data. If you have registered a user account on kampyng.com, the Service Provider will process your personal data to provide services to you, and to improve and further develop our services. We also process personal data to provide you with offers, recommendations, and content tailored to your usage patterns, for analysis to understand market trends, and to limit misuse of the service. The personal data we collect may be shared with companies affiliated with the Service Provider (primarily the main shareholder in Amatiqa AS). The personal data collected for these purposes include both information provided by you (name, email address, etc.) and information collected through the use of the service, including which vehicles you book and information about your location and technical information about your device and internet connection. The personal data may be supplemented with available information from third-party actors.

Basics of Personal Data Processing Personal data refers to information and assessments that can be linked to an individual. Examples include name, address, phone number, and email address. Processing of personal data encompasses any use of personal data, such as collection, recording, organization, storage, and disclosure, or a combination of such methods. Our processing of personal data is subject to the Personal Data Act.

What Information Do We Collect? We collect personal information about you when you create a user account. The information is collected in the following ways:

Information you provide to us: When you register a user account with us and perform certain activities, such as posting vehicles for rent or renting vehicles yourself, responding to lessors or interested parties via email, etc., you must provide information that is stored by us. This information is stored in our database to deliver or ensure the delivery of the vehicle you have booked or wish to rent out, to improve our services, and to prevent fraud. Likewise, we will store information when you contact us by sending us an email, for example to the customer service, or provide feedback through features in the service. This may include email address, phone number, and the content of email inquiries, so that we can respond to your questions.

Information collected through the use of the service: When you use our service, we collect information about your activity, including which services and pages on kampyng.com you visit and how you use them. The information can be categorized as follows:

a) Technical information about your device and internet connection: Through server logs and other tools, we record information about the device and connection to our service, including operating system, browser version, IP address, cookies, and unique identification files. This information is often used in anonymous and aggregated statistics, but we may also link it to your user account. The information allows us, among other things, to customize the display of our service to the device you are using, as well as to analyze various ways users use our services.

b) Information about the use of the service: Some information is stored at your request, such as when you post your vehicle for rent or try to find a vehicle you can rent. We use such information, among other things, to limit misuse of the service, to improve our services, and to provide you with content tailored to your usage patterns.

c) Location information: We calculate a geographical position based on the IP address when using our services. The information is used to show you relevant cars based on where you are and to compile statistics.

d) Cookies and other locally stored content: When you visit our service, we use various technologies to recognize you as a user. For example, we use cookies to allow you to log in without having to do so every time you visit our website. What Do We Use the Information For? The Service Provider processes your personal information to fulfill the agreement with you, to improve and develop associated services, including customizing and enhancing the services, and to inform you about new usage opportunities. We also process personal information to provide you with offers and recommendations tailored to your usage patterns, for analysis to understand market trends, and to attempt to predict future behavior. Below you'll find more information about the purposes of processing:

A) Understanding Market Trends: The purpose of this is, among other things, to compile statistics that we use to improve and develop our websites, as well as to enhance our product offerings and services. Such analyses can be carried out by the Service Provider itself or by another company analyzing the extracted information. If personal information is disclosed to other companies for such analysis purposes, this will be subject to so-called data processing agreements with requirements for confidentiality, that the information is not used for other purposes, and that it is deleted after use, etc.

B) Improving User Experience: We use the collected data to provide you with a more user-friendly service. For example, we may monitor whether users with a specific browser or mobile phone have difficulty posting ads or renting vehicles, so that we can improve our interface. The information processed for this purpose will normally be used in an aggregated and anonymized manner, but we also have the option to use this type of information to provide user support to individual users for technical issues and similar matters.

C) Limiting Misuse of the Service: We use information related to users' activities and technical data to limit various forms of misuse of our service. Misuse includes attempts at fraud, spamming, harassment, attempts to log into others' user accounts, and other actions prohibited by Norwegian law.

Sharing of Information Disclosure to Insurance Partners and Other Collaborators Information you provide to the Service Provider, as well as information about your use of the service, may be disclosed to other companies that the Service Provider collaborates with, such as our insurance partner, and other collaborators within membership benefits and discount schemes, etc. To the extent possible, the information will be disclosed in anonymized form, but for some purposes, it is necessary for the recipient to receive information that allows for your identification. In the processing of insurance claims, kampyng and/or our insurance partner may disclose information, including personal data about you, to the tenant/lessor when the Service Provider or our insurance partner deems it necessary. Disclosure in Connection with Legal Violations, etc. If there is suspicion of a legal violation in connection with the use of the Service Provider's service, the information may be disclosed to public authorities upon request. We may also provide information to others if necessary to prevent further fraud, or if the information is necessary to clarify specific disputes about the advertisement object, cf. the General Data Protection Regulation Article 6(1)(f). Use of Data Processors: The Service Provider may use a data processor who processes personal data on our behalf in accordance with an agreement. Data processors who access your personal information in connection with providing services to the Service Provider (for example, when we use a third party to conduct payment transactions or store information on a web server) are bound by confidentiality and may not use this information in any other way than in the performance of services for us. The Service Provider will not share, sell, transfer, or otherwise disclose personal information about you in any other way than as stated in this privacy policy, unless we are required to do so by a binding legal decision or we have obtained your consent.

Deletion of Personal Data Personal data will not be stored longer than necessary to fulfill the purpose of the processing. Additionally, as a user, you can at any time request us to delete information associated with you as a user, unless the information is necessary to provide a service that you still want to access (for example, renting out vehicles) or it is required by law to retain the information for a certain period (for example, certain information related to service purchases in accordance with accounting legislation). Information in rental ads published for the public on kampyng.com will be stored for up to five years to help clarify disputes about the advertisement object, for example, if the parties disagree on what the advertisement specified about warranty, mileage, fuel, tolls, etc. Anonymized versions of published car rental ads will also be preserved in a historical archive. Your Rights You have the right to request access, rectification, or deletion of the personal data we process about you if the conditions for this are met. You also have the right to request restriction of processing, object to processing, and data portability (the right to receive or transfer personal data in a suitable format), where the conditions for this are met. If the processing is based on your consent, you can withdraw it at any time. If you wish to exercise your rights, you can contact us at hello@kampyng.com. You have the right to lodge a complaint about our processing of your personal data with the Norwegian Data Protection Authority (Datatilsynet). We encourage you to raise any objections to our processing of personal data with us first. Security of Personal Data We have established procedures and measures at various levels to ensure that unauthorized individuals do not access your personal data and that all processing of the data is in accordance with applicable law. The measures include regular risk assessments, technical systems, and physical procedures to maintain information security, as well as procedures to verify access and correction requests. To protect you from unauthorized access to your user account, the Service Provider may use external services to identify which device you are using when logging in. In this context, we may send data both to your own device and the identification service to recognize you as a user, as well as obtain information about any misuse of services via the relevant device. The information is used to prevent unwanted activity and helps, among other things, to detect attempts by others to log into your user account to post fraudulent ads. If the Service Provider identifies misuse of the service, we may in some cases share information related to your device and IP address with the identification service to limit the possibility of further misuse from the device, but we will not share identifiable information such as personal details or email addresses. Use of Analytics Tools, Cookies, and Other Technology We continuously work on improving the user experience on our website. Therefore, we collect various types of information from our users so that we can always provide the best possible functionality. Examples of such information include which pages are visited, the time of day the visit was made, and which browser was used. We also use various forms of technology to recognize you as a user and to analyze data about our users. This technology is used partly because it is necessary for the services to function, partly to make it easier for you to use the services, and partly to enable us to conduct analyses that allow us to further develop our services. By using our services, you consent to us using such tools unless you disable the tools, for example by changing cookie settings in your browser or deactivating a third-party tool by clicking on a link to log out. What are Cookies? A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your PC/mobile phone/tablet and helps us make your visit to our websites more meaningful and positive for you. Cookies may contain user settings and information about how you have browsed and used our website, which browser you are using, which car rental ads you have been shown, and similar behavior on websites we collaborate with. There are different types of cookies: (A) A session-based cookie is only stored in the memory of your computer (RAM) and lasts only as long as your browser session. When you close all open browser windows or shut down the computer completely, the session-based cookie will disappear forever. (B) A persistent cookie is stored on the hard drive of your computer until a specific date, which could be tomorrow, next week, or next year. Persistent cookies remain on the machine until they either a) expire, b) are overwritten by new cookies, or c) are manually removed by you. If you do not want cookies to be stored on your computer, you must disable this function in your browser. Please note that this will result in loss of functionality in our service, and it may not work as intended. How Do We Use Cookies? We use cookies to simplify the use of our service and to provide you with relevant information when you visit our website. Cookies are also used to measure traffic on our website, gather statistics, and improve our service. Additionally, we may use third-party cookies to measure and analyze traffic and usage of our websites, track behavior to build audiences for marketing purposes, streamline ad management, and improve website functionality. Cookies enable us to: Recognize your device so that we can customize our service and settings based on your presumed preferences. Allow the use of special features such as the ability to communicate back and forth with the lessor. Retain context as you navigate back and forth between our web pages, for example, when booking and paying for vehicles. Calculate and report the total number of users and traffic. Develop and improve the website and understand how it is used. Build segments and audiences for marketing purposes and to target advertising. Reduce advertising that is irrelevant to certain target groups. What About Cookies from Advertisers and Other Third Parties? When you use our service, advertisers and other third parties may place cookies to measure and analyze the effectiveness of banner advertising. We have established strict guidelines for how such entities can collect and use data about our visitors. The guidelines specify that third parties should not collect data on our website to build profiles, interest groups, or otherwise track behavior to target ads. Data can only be collected to analyze and measure the effectiveness of advertising, including counting the number of ad impressions, clicks, and conversions. Cookies and other tracking technologies may not be associated with personal information without the explicit consent of the user. How Can I View Which Cookies Are Stored in My Browser? Usually, in the settings of your browser, you'll find an overview of all the cookies that are stored, allowing you to review and possibly delete unwanted cookies. The browser typically stores all cookies in a specific folder on the hard drive, so you can also examine the content in detail. There are also services developed specifically for users to monitor cookies and other tracking mechanisms. For example, you can visit websites like www.ghostery.com or www.disconnect.me (we are not affiliated with these services and take no responsibility if you click on the links).